What is an Axis?

by wpx_indexsy
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An axis is a reference line that a body uses to define its movement in relation to another body. In other words, it is the center around which an object rotates.

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In geometry, an axis (from Greek ἄξος áxos “axis, stake, beam”) is a line that connects two points or runs through a body parallel to its base. An axis is the foundation of any rotation: if a body rotates around an axis, the axis is called the body’s axis of rotation. There are three types of axes: principal axes, minor axes, and intermediate axes. A principal axis is one around which the body’s mass is evenly distributed; a minor axis one around which the body’s mass is not evenly distributed; and an intermediate axis one that lies between the principal axes.

What is an Axis?

An axis is an imaginary line around which an object rotates or revolves. In other words, it is the center point of an object’s rotation. Every object has an axis, and the location of an object’s axis can affect its rotational properties.

The X-Axis

The x-axis is the line that runs horizontally (left to right) through a graph. The point where the x-axis and y-axis intersect is always (0, 0).

The Y-Axis

The Y-axis is the number line that is perpendicular to the X-axis. It is also called the vertical axis. The Y-axis starts at 0 in the middle and goes up and down from there. Positive numbers are above the X-axis, and negative numbers are below it.

The Z-Axis

The z-axis is the axis that runs vertically through an object, from top to bottom. In most three-dimensional coordinate systems, the z-axis is perpendicular to the x- and y-axes.

How to Use an Axis

An axis is an imaginary line that is used as a reference point for measuring or plotting data. The most common axes are the x-axis and y-axis, which are used in two-dimensional coordinate systems. In three-dimensional coordinate systems, there is also a z-axis. Axes can be used to help you visualize data, and they can also be used to help you understand certain concepts in mathematics and physics.

Using the X-Axis

The x-axis is the horizontal line on a graph. The numbers on the x-axis are used to locate specific points on the graph. Each point on the x-axis is associated with a specific value. In most cases, the values will be whole numbers or fractions. The numbers can be positive or negative.

Using the Y-Axis

Most graph paper is numbered along the bottom and left sides, but there are a few types that are numbered along the top and right sides. These types are called “inverted axis” graph paper. You can use an inverted axis graph paper in the same way as you would use any other type of graph paper, but be sure to read the labels carefully so that you know which direction is which!

To use the Y-axis, start by finding the zero point. This is the point where the X-axis and Y-axis intersect. The Y-axis will run vertically up and down from this point. The numbers on the Y-axis will tell you how far away from the zero point each point is. For example, if a point is labeled “2,” it is two units away from the zero point. If a point is labeled “-3,” it is three units below the zero point.

Once you have located the zero point, you can begin plotting points. To plot a point, find its position on the X-axis and then count up or down along the Y-axis to find its position on the Y-axis. For example, if a point is labeled “3” on the X-axis and “4” on the Y-axis, it would be three units to the right of the zero point and four units above it.

Using the Z-Axis

When working with 3D models, the Z-axis is the vertical axis that runs through the center of the model. You can use the Z-axis to control the height of your model, or to create interesting effects by tilting or rotating your model along this axis. To move an object along the Z-axis, simply select it and then use the arrow keys on your keyboard to nudge it up or down.


An axis is a reference line that an object rotates around. An axis can be imaginary or real, but it is usually visualized as a line. An object’s rotation around an axis is called its revolution. The point where the axis intersects the object is called the fulcrum, or the point of rotation.


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